The Best Ways to Deal With Stress Naturally Without Using Drugs

There are many ways to deal with stress naturally without resorting to drugs. In fact, you will be better off if you can avoid any type of prescription drug for your stress. The natural remedies for stress are much safer and free from dangerous side effects. To deal with your stress effectively, first you need to find out the cause of your stress. The cause may be something that you can eliminate, or it can be something with which you have to live with.

For example, if the cause of your stress is something with your job, then you need to ask yourself if the job is worth your health, what is your option? If you work at a place where you are constantly stressed out day in and day out, is it really worth it to continue working there? You must be really honest with yourself in evaluating your options as your health and perhaps your finance are at stake here.

If you can identify the source of your stress (or the overstress), be it a personal relationship, a job, or even a certain situation that you have no control, evaluate the problems carefully, seek help from others and develop a method to fight the stress. Remember that stress is always around us, there is no such thing as "scot-free" life (unless we're already dead of course). But what we can do is to develop a "stress-proof" life. Just like the watch you're wearing, it's a water proof watch, not water free!

Below are some tips or remedies to help you develop a stress proof life naturally...

1. Learn to breathe through your diaphragm. How? Easy, put your left hand on your stomach and then breathe slowly. You should feel the movement of your hand as your stomach expands. This is the proper way of breathing, just watch how a baby breathes. Proper breathing is essential in making you relax, it helps you focus on relaxation instead of the stress.

2. Eat health diet and exercise regularly. Study has shown that most Americans do not eat a healthy diet and many are overweight. Many doctors believe that stress and depression can be due to vitamin deficiency. The stress that many of us suffer from today may be the result of simply not eating a healthy diet. If you have no idea what food constitutes a healthy diet, just remember these 3 things:
(a) eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits;
(b) eat fish (especially salmon) instead of red meats;
(c) drink water instead of alcohol. Or search the internet for more info.

3. Yoga and Meditation. These natural remedies for stress have been around for thousands of years. Yoga is not just about stretching, doing strange poses, breathing or merely a form of exercise. It's more than that; it is a spiritual practice (not religious) that helps you maintain a fine balance between work and a healthy mind. Meditation is the process of clearing your mind of negative thoughts and concentrating on nothing. Both are very effective at calming you down and alleviating stress.

4. Self-healing by resting well at night. Our body has a natural self healing mechanism and it works best when we're sleeping. No drugs or medications in the world can beat the natural self healing given by our body. That's why you're always advised to sleep at least 7 hours a day. This is to give your body a chance to perform the process of self healing.

These are just some of the many natural remedies for stress, they are the healthy ways of coping with stress. Learn and act on it and you'll find that you have a more peaceful life.


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